
What'd You Watch?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

This week's TV Tuesday meme:

Week 34 - What'd you watch?

01.    What's your favorite thing you've watched in the past week?

A.    CSI:NY (Wednesday) and CSI (Thursday);

02.    Have you found anything new you liked?    (You can use disliked or any other adjective you want.)

A.    I've gotten hooked on Dr. G., Medical Examiner;

03.    For those who had access to them, did you see any really cool parades on TV?

A.    I skipped the parades because I was preparing part of the meal to transport (over the river and through the woods); and

~Bonus~ Holiday dinner:    TV on or off?

A.    Off (for me), I chose to eat in a room without the television on.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:37 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Thankful For ...

This week's Ten On Tuesday meme:

Ten Things You're Thankful For

01.    Terrific Parents;

02.    My S.O., and our long-term relationship;

03.    Animals that love me - unconditionally;

04.    A great new (& new-construction) house with amazing architectural detailing - a perfect blank canvas for designing;

05.    Moving back closer to home, friends and family;

06.    Our Harley, and the friends we've made since riding;

07.    Special Best Friends;

08.    "Chosen profession(s)" that promotes the creative soul;

09.    Food, clothing and shelter ... without (too many) worries; and

10.    Each and every brand-new day!

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:25 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

The Ultimate 80's Quiz
Monday, November 29, 2004

At least I didn't get them all right.      That would mean I missed out on some major FUN in the 80's!      But, I still reached Brat Packian status ...

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 4:07 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Which John Hughes Movie ... ?

Oh, great . . . superficial . . . and the potential "fat" chick

"Claire, it's a family name."

"No, it's a fat girl's name."

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 3:47 PM
by Kitty :: permalink


This week's Monday Madness meme:

1.    How did you choose a name for your blog?
A.    It is a variation on the name of my company.

2.    How many times have you changed the name of your blog?
A.    Never.

3.    How many blogs do you update regularly?
A.    Six.

4.    How many times have you moved in your life?
A.    Nine.

5.    On a scale of 1-10, how stressful is moving (in your opinion)?

6.    When moving, do you/would you rent a moving van/truck?
A.    I usually hire a moving company.

7.    Do you wear glasses?     If so, how old were you when you needed them?
A.    I did, until RK surgery eleven years ago.     I wore glasses, then contacts, since age eight until the surgery.

8.    What one question would you hope someone running a meme, would ask?
A.    I've answered so many questions on memes, I can't think of anything in particular right now.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:45 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 96
Sunday, November 28, 2004

This week's Unconscious Mutterings meme:

  1. Limited time only::   Only $19.95!

  2. Voluptuous::   Vixen

  3. Nutritionist::   (desperately needed!)

  4. Belt::   -way traffic (D.C.)

  5. Star crossed::   Lovers

  6. Snakeskin::   Shoes, with a matching purse

  7. Athlete's foot::   the agony of de-feet :-)

  8. Boom::   Chaka Boom

  9. Freezer::   Burn

  10. Store hours::   extended for the holidays

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 10:43 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Shop... until you drop
Friday, November 26, 2004

This week's Friday Fiver meme:

1.    What type of shopper are you?

A.    Picky and determined.

2.    Have you ever gone out of your way to get a deal?

A.    Yes, for myself - but never during the Christmas season.    That is sheer madness!

3.    Do you do your holiday shopping early, or do you procrastinate?

A.    I procrastinate.

4.    What's the best gift you've ever received?

A.    My first 35mm camera.

5.    What's the best gift you've ever given?

A.    That's hard to say . . . I'd like to think that I match each gift to the personality of the receiver . . . and that they ALL thought they received the most wonderful gift each time.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 10:33 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

The Friday Five - Thanksgiving

This week's The Friday Five meme:

1)    as a child, where did you go for Thanksgiving and who was there?

A.    We stayed at home, and my Mother cooked a feast for me, my Dad and my Mother.

2)    what food(s) do you remember best/were tradition then?

A.    Slow-roasted turkey, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie.

3)    where do you celebrate now, and with whom?

A.    At my s.o.'s mother's house.    It is me, my s.o., my parents, my s.o.'s mother, my s.o.'s sister and brother-in-law, his brother and sister-in-law, and his uncle and uncle's wife.

4)    has your menu changed (if so, whats new?)?

A.    Yes.     His mother has a black olives, broccoli and squash casseroles, and stuffing.    I stick with the old favorites from my childhood and let everyone else have the casseroles and stuffing.

5)    what are you thankful for this year?

A.    My s.o., good friends, great parents, a brand-new house in a town closer to "home," and animals that love me unconditionally.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 10:28 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Christmas Bells are Ringing
Thursday, November 25, 2004

This week's The Thursday Threesome meme:

::Christmas Bells are Ringing::

Onesome:    Christmas--   Is it Thanksgiving?    ...or just the day before the start of the "Christmas Season"?   (...and how are you supposed to shop if you're all stuffed with food?)    Hey, is anyone going out tomorrow to save tons of money standing in endless lines with 10,000 of your closest friends?    Just curious...

A.    I wish Thanksgiving marked the start of the Christmas season, but stores have had decorations out since August, lots of my neighbors have already decked their houses with a zillion-and-two lights several days before Thanksgiving, and it has just taken the joy out of what should be a "holiday-season."     It used to be that Christmas was officially kicked-off when you saw Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.     Now, he's in the malls long before then.     As for shopping on the day after Thanksgiving ... I refuse to get caught up in all of that MADNESS!

Twosome:    Bells-- Okay, we'll give in and admit that maybe the season has started: what decorations are you looking forward to seeing in the next few days?   ...the lights in the downtown?    How about knowing you'll soon have a tree with that memorable ornament?    The Toys for Tots drop off?    What makes you comfortable knowing the Christmas season is really here?

A.    Once again, decorations in the neighborhood and in town have been up for a week or more already.     That takes the excitement and joy out of it for me.     I'm comfortable when the day after Christmas arrives and I can look forward to all of the decorations everywhere being removed within the next few weeks (at the latest -- hopefully!)     And, NO!, I'm not really a Scrooge - just realistic ... six to eight weeks is too long for anything to be decked (four months, if you count all of the stores!).

Threesome:    are Ringing-- ...in your ears?    What song are you just dreading to hear this season?    Come on, the one that just makes you scrunch up inside and want to duck into an iron foundry so you can't hear it?    Weird Al?    Something from "The Nutcracker"?    Those dogs?    I mean come on, there's some bad stuff out there ...

A.    Anything by Elvis.     After living in Memphis for five years, and having "Elvis" crammed down your throat at every turn, I can do without any Elvis ditties!

DISCLAIMER:   Once again, I am really NOT a Scrooge, even though it may sound that way.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 10:16 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Melted Cheddar

This week's Cheddar X meme:

1.    Hottest place you've visited?    Lived?

A.    Visited - the Southern Caribbean in mid-Summer.     Lived - Memphis, Tennessee!

2.    Song that gets you hot?

A.    Anything by Barry White.

3.    Person other than Signifigant Other that gets you hot?

A.    I respectfully decline to answer this question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

4.    Hottest movie scene?

A.    Practically anything from 9-1/2 Weeks, and the kitchen sink and elevator scenes in Fatal Attraction.

5.    Hottest sexual experience?

A.    I respectfully decline to answer this question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

6.   Hottest non-sexual experience?

A.    Burning my fair Irish skin at the beach *ha-ha*

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 9:54 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Wednesday Mind Hump - Week 46
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

This week's Wednesday Mind Hump meme:

01.    foreign

A.    exchange student

02.    deluxe

A.    suite

03.    warning

A.    bell

04.    class

A.    action suit

05.    easy

A.    rider

06.    incoherent

A.    mumblings

07.    scarlet

A.    letter

08.    goodie

A.    goodie, gumdrop

09.    jumping

A.    jack flash

10.    mob

A.    scene

11.    Bang, bang

A.    you're dead

12.    psychic

A.    hotline

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 9:09 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Monday Madness - Sports
Monday, November 22, 2004

This week's Monday Madness meme:

1.    What is your favorite sport?

A.    College football - ROLL TIDE!    Alabama Crimson Tide football!

2.    Do you watch sports on television?

A.    Yes.     baseball and football.

3.    In high school, did you (or do you) play any sports?

A.    Yes.     I played volleyball, basketball, softball and ran track.

4.    Any favorite teams?

A.    Atlanta Braves, Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide.

5.    If applicable, did you (or do you) attend your child's games?

A.    N/A.

6.    Do you think professional athletes make too much money?

A.    A-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y!!

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 8:48 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

No One Diets On Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 18, 2004

This week's The Thursday Threesome meme:

In honor of Thanksgiving in the U.S. next week: No one diets on Thanksgiving -- Erma Bombeck

Onesome:   No one-  ...to talk to?    Nah, who is it you look forward to seeing at one of the holidays just to be able to sit around and chat with?    Sure, even someone you see during the rest of the year!

I look forward to seeing my s.o.'s cousin and his cousin's wife during the holidays.     With our busy, hectic schedules, we can't seem to get together as often as we'd like.     I also look forward to seeing two of my best friends (Brian and Marshall) but, I'm not sure how things will work out for that this holiday season.

Twosome:   diets-  Have you ever tried one of the "fad" diets out there?    Yes, I include Atkins in this category!     How did it work for you?     Would you do it again or try another one?

Of course.     Been There, Done That, Bought The T-Shirt!     None of the "fad" diets ever really work - or, never work for very long.     I've given up the whole "dieting" nonsense for a change-of-lifestyle instead.     I'm working toward gradual vegetarian status and, thus far, have done quite well with the process.     Of course, with Thanksgiving looming, I think I'll be breaking the "strict" way I've been eating for a more YUMMY day out of the year!

Threesome:   on Thanksgiving-  What's your favorite dish?     Would you be happy just pigging out on turkey, or do you need all the fixings?     Does the pumpkin pie make the meal or do you prefer Mom's green bean casserole?

My favorite dish has to be my Mother's cornbread dressing.     I need ALL the fixins' for a Thanksgiving meal . . . well, at least all that appeal to me.     That consists of white meat turkey, my Mother's cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, and deviled eggs.     There's always plenty of other foods on the table, but these four things are always on my plate.     And, I always hope for left-over turkey so that there can be turkey and whole wheat bread sandwiches for days after.     Now I'm hungry just thinking about it all!

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:56 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

With Prejudice

Today's Diarist.Net spark:

With Prejudice - 18 November 2004

Everyone has certain preconceived notions, borne of their culture, their background, the media, et cetera.    How egalitarian do you think you are?     Where do you think your views are still skewed and why?

Coming from a strong Southern background, I have worked very hard to overcome the stereotypical perceptions that others have that Southerners are prejudiced, biased, racist, and a multitude of other characteristics.     My bottom-line is . . . I either like you, or I don't!     It has nothing to do with race, creed, color, religion, or any preferences that may exist.     It is based on whether we "click" or not on a friendly basis.     I think that by rising above my "roots," so to speak, I've developed a very well-defined egalitarian view of the world.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:43 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Holiday Habits
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

This week's TV Tuesday meme:

Week 32 - Holiday Habits

The Holidays are quickly coming upon us, what will be on your TV?

Except for a few holiday shows, mostly my regular viewing schedule.

1.   Any holiday favorites you can't live without?

A Christmas Story (Ralphie & the Red-Rider BB Gun), A Christmas Carol (with George C. Scott), Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (animated), and A Charlie Brown Christmas.

2.   Holiday viewing:   Parades or Football?

Niether, really.

3.   What's your favorite holiday TV memory?

David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing "The Little Drummer Boy."

~Bonus~ Holiday remakes, are you a faithful fan of the old classics or do you prefer the newer versions?

I prefer the old classics, with the exception of the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:30 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Ten Bad Foods . . .

This week's Ten On Tuesday meme:

Ten Bad Foods that You Love to Eat

01.  Cheese, cheese & cheese;

02.  Vinegar & Salt Potato Chips;

03.  Ben & Jerry's or Haagen-Dazs Ice Creams (especially chocolate & peanut butter combos!);

04.  Chips, Salsa & Goat Cheese Dip;

05.  Godiva Chocolates (especially truffles!);

06.  Dunkin Donuts chocolate-cream-filled, powdered-sugar-covered doughnuts;

07.  Hibachi chicken and fried rice with lots of ginger sauce & hot sauce from Kanpai of Tokyo;

08.  Krystal hamburgers;

09.  Deep-fried fish & hushpuppies; and

10.  Loaded nachos.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:19 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Monday Madness - One Or The Other
Monday, November 15, 2004

This week's Monday Madness meme:

This week we'll choose one or the other of the following....

01. bar soap or shower gel

02. cds or cassettes

03. television movies or documentaries

04. wall calendar or desk calendar
Neither - Franklin Planner!

05. dsl, cable, or dial-up

06. summer or winter
Neither - Autumn.

07. city or country

08. camping or stay in a hotel
Hotel - that's as close to camping as I'll get.

09. gold or silver

10. fiction or non-fiction books

11. mashed potatoes or baked potatoes

12. ranch, italian, or catalina dressing
Depends on what it's going on - all three work for different occasions.

13. solid or spray deodorant

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:05 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Unconscious Mutterings - Week 93
Sunday, November 14, 2004

This week's Unconscious Mutterings Week 93 meme:

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Childhood::  Trauma
  2. Ransom::  Note
  3. Melissa::  Etheridge
  4. Trust me::  Would I Lie?
  5. Report::  Card
  6. Give up::  Never - (Coach Jimmy V)
  7. Nightgown::  Old Lady's -
  8. Smokes::  The High Costs of -
  9. Cookies & cream::  Ice Cream
  10. Gameshow::   Contestant

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 11:53 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

Friday, November 12, 2004

This week's Friday Fiver meme:

1.   Do you trust your instincts?

Most definitely!

2.   Get up and go or plan, plan, plan?

It depends on the situation.     I'm spontaneous . . . but, if it is a major event, or something that requires lots of preparation, I believe in planning to the n-th degree.

3.   Do you ask for directions when you are lost or do you keep on going?

I'll definitely ask for directions.     One of the most frustrating (and gut-wrenching) feelings for me is to be lost and not know where I am, or how to get back home.

4.   Right now: do you know which way is east?

Not a clue.     I'm blonde, give me a break.     My s.o.'s pick-up truck has a digital compass built into the temperature, direction, navigation stuff -- that's the only time I know what direction I'm going (unless a road sign specifies the compass direction).

5.   If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it -- did it make a noise?

Of course.     No one is a relative term . . . I'm sure there are bunnies, and squirrels, and birds, and . . . all sorts of assorted wildlife that hear that loud THUD and know that "something" made that noise.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 11:45 AM
by Kitty :: permalink

World Weary Traveler
Thursday, November 11, 2004

This week's The Thursday Threesome meme:

::World Weary Traveler::

Onesome:   World  --  Okay, you've been here; you've been there. ...or maybe not.      Is there someplace you think it would be cool to spend a holiday?      Christmas in the Alps?      St. Patrick's Day in Erie?      Oh, sure, take the entire family if you'd like!

A.  Since I'm Irish, I've always wanted to visit Ireland.      It would be even more of an event to visit on St. Paddy's Day, I would think.      The more traditional holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas, I prefer to be home-for-the-holidays).

Twosome:   Weary  --   Have you ever had to deal with jet lag?      How have you handled it? ...and which direction is worse for you, going East or going West?      Just curious...

A.  Yes.      Jet-lag is worse traveling from West to East.      I deal with it with herbs, herbal teas, extra sleep, and taking it easy for a few days after returning home to let my body adjust back to my normal time zone.

Threesome:   Traveler  --   When you've traveled, what conveyance has bothered you the most?      That camel in Morocco?      The train ride through the Rockies?      Your brother-in-law's Dodge?      What just set your nerves on edge?

A.  I hate late planes that cause you to have to make a mad-dash to catch your connecting flight, especially in large airports.      Even with trams and trains, getting from one concourse to another is never easy.      I also am extremely bothered by people who promise to pick you up at the airport and are either (a) late; or (b) don't bother to get a babysitter and you have to listen to their kids whining all the way back to your destination.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 4:26 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Wednesday Mind Hump - Week 44
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

This week's Wednesday Mind Hump meme:

This week, some humpin' good fun with free association or "I say ___, you think ___".     The rules are easy as pie.     Just copy and paste the questions below into your blog and add your responses.     (Respond with the first word, words, phrase that pops into your head.     Or babble insanely - it's all good.)     You need not be a member to play - so let us not delay .... let's hump like crazy, shall we?

01.     reality     bites

02.     lather     up

03.     tramp     (s) have all the fun

04.     alligator     pumps

05.     crackle     finish

06.     exposure     , northern

07.     imaginary     playmate

08.     lick     -ity split

09.     cabbage     patch

10.     howl     at-the-moon

11.     fracture     -d fairytales

12.     sprinkle     (s), chocolate

13.     junkyard dog     , mean-as-a

(c)     2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 4:08 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Ten Things You Want to Do ...
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

This week's Ten on Tuesday meme:

Ten Things You Want to Do Before the End of the Year...

1.     Reconnect with a few old friends;
2.     Lose a few pounds;
3.     Sell my column to at least three more newspapers;
4.     Develop a real game-plan for the upcoming annual holiday next April;
5.     Spend as much time as I can with one of my best friends who will be deployed to Iraq after the first of the year;
6.     Try to not get so stressed out over the holiday season;
7.     Get my studio straightened and organized so that I can actually work in it without feeling stressed;
8.     Update the information in my Franklin Planner with current phone numbers, e-mail addresses, snail mail addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, and other contact information for all of my personal, family, business, and acquaintance contacts in my address book;
9.     Organize my photos and print the best for submission to some shows; and
10.   Revisit my list of 100 Things I Want To Do Before I Die and revise it to show the items that have been accomplished thus far.

(c)     2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 3:29 PM
by Kitty :: permalink

Monday Madness - 3 Things
Monday, November 08, 2004

This week's Monday Madness meme:

Name 3 (or more, or less!) things...

1.   ...you cannot live without.
A.   Cell Phone, Franklin Planner, Victoria's Secret lingerie.

2.   ...you CAN live without, but cannot seem to part with.
A.   Junk that belonged to relatives, old cards and letters, pop tops and other silly remembrances.

3.   ...you wish to accomplish this COMING week.
A.   Send out at least five new queries, write three new columns, make definite plans with two good friends to get together soon.

4.   ...you have accomplished this PAST week.
A.   Took a Harley trip to Point Park (Lookout Mountain, TN) and got great photos, contacted two potential contacts for writing work, spoke to a shoppe owner on behalf of a writer friend about setting up a book-signing in his shoppe.

5.   ...on your holiday (or non-holiday) 'wish list.'
A.   About twenty-five books, about ten CDs, about fifteen DVDs, and a new blender.

6.   ...you would like to change about yourself.
A.   Thicker hair, fuller lips, less of a temper.

7.   ...you like about yourself.
A.   Great quirky sense of humor, loyal to a fault, compassionate.

8.   ...you should be doing right now instead of what you ARE doing.
A.   Working on columns, making contact phone calls, writing query letters.

9.   ...in your life that could use a little more organization.
A.   My WHOLE life! :-)

(c)     2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 3:24 PM
by Kitty :: permalink