
What'd You Watch?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

This week's TV Tuesday meme:

Week 34 - What'd you watch?

01.    What's your favorite thing you've watched in the past week?

A.    CSI:NY (Wednesday) and CSI (Thursday);

02.    Have you found anything new you liked?    (You can use disliked or any other adjective you want.)

A.    I've gotten hooked on Dr. G., Medical Examiner;

03.    For those who had access to them, did you see any really cool parades on TV?

A.    I skipped the parades because I was preparing part of the meal to transport (over the river and through the woods); and

~Bonus~ Holiday dinner:    TV on or off?

A.    Off (for me), I chose to eat in a room without the television on.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:37 PM
by Kitty :: permalink