
Friday, November 12, 2004

This week's Friday Fiver meme:

1.   Do you trust your instincts?

Most definitely!

2.   Get up and go or plan, plan, plan?

It depends on the situation.     I'm spontaneous . . . but, if it is a major event, or something that requires lots of preparation, I believe in planning to the n-th degree.

3.   Do you ask for directions when you are lost or do you keep on going?

I'll definitely ask for directions.     One of the most frustrating (and gut-wrenching) feelings for me is to be lost and not know where I am, or how to get back home.

4.   Right now: do you know which way is east?

Not a clue.     I'm blonde, give me a break.     My s.o.'s pick-up truck has a digital compass built into the temperature, direction, navigation stuff -- that's the only time I know what direction I'm going (unless a road sign specifies the compass direction).

5.   If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it -- did it make a noise?

Of course.     No one is a relative term . . . I'm sure there are bunnies, and squirrels, and birds, and . . . all sorts of assorted wildlife that hear that loud THUD and know that "something" made that noise.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 11:45 AM
by Kitty :: permalink