
No One Diets On Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 18, 2004

This week's The Thursday Threesome meme:

In honor of Thanksgiving in the U.S. next week: No one diets on Thanksgiving -- Erma Bombeck

Onesome:   No one-  ...to talk to?    Nah, who is it you look forward to seeing at one of the holidays just to be able to sit around and chat with?    Sure, even someone you see during the rest of the year!

I look forward to seeing my s.o.'s cousin and his cousin's wife during the holidays.     With our busy, hectic schedules, we can't seem to get together as often as we'd like.     I also look forward to seeing two of my best friends (Brian and Marshall) but, I'm not sure how things will work out for that this holiday season.

Twosome:   diets-  Have you ever tried one of the "fad" diets out there?    Yes, I include Atkins in this category!     How did it work for you?     Would you do it again or try another one?

Of course.     Been There, Done That, Bought The T-Shirt!     None of the "fad" diets ever really work - or, never work for very long.     I've given up the whole "dieting" nonsense for a change-of-lifestyle instead.     I'm working toward gradual vegetarian status and, thus far, have done quite well with the process.     Of course, with Thanksgiving looming, I think I'll be breaking the "strict" way I've been eating for a more YUMMY day out of the year!

Threesome:   on Thanksgiving-  What's your favorite dish?     Would you be happy just pigging out on turkey, or do you need all the fixings?     Does the pumpkin pie make the meal or do you prefer Mom's green bean casserole?

My favorite dish has to be my Mother's cornbread dressing.     I need ALL the fixins' for a Thanksgiving meal . . . well, at least all that appeal to me.     That consists of white meat turkey, my Mother's cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, and deviled eggs.     There's always plenty of other foods on the table, but these four things are always on my plate.     And, I always hope for left-over turkey so that there can be turkey and whole wheat bread sandwiches for days after.     Now I'm hungry just thinking about it all!

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:56 PM
by Kitty :: permalink