
Unconscious Mutterings - Week 144
Sunday, November 06, 2005

This week's Unconscious Mutterings meme:

  1.  Deeper and deeper::  Barry White lyrics;
  2.  Can’t help .... ::  feeling this way;
  3.  Devil’s advocate::  playing the . . .;
  4.  Superpower::  Isn't that a cliche now?
  5.  Threatening::  actions;
  6.  Played::  you got -;
  7.  War::  -torn countries;
  8.  Violate::  Break the rules;
  9.  Invest::   Play the market; and
  10.  Choke::  hold.

(c)      2005     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 8:05 AM
by Kitty :: permalink