
If You Have To Go Away
Thursday, July 28, 2005

This week's The Thursday Threesome meme:

::"If You Have To Go Away"::

  1.   Onesome - If You -   If you were given a million dollars, what would you do with it?

    A.  Pay off my debts, give my parents a portion of it, give a portion of it to charity, buy a beach house and a mountain cabin for get-aways, and invest the rest.

  2.   Twosome - Have To -   What is it that you have to do today?    Or is there something you're dreading to do this week?

    A.  I have to call and order DSL for our business location, and get all of that in place so that my s.o. can buy his new laptop this weekend and start using it at work, and transporting the laptop back and forth between work and home for all of his business data entry.    Something that I dreaded doing -- that I already had to do -- was to leave the beach and come back home.

  3.   Threesome - Go Away -   Where's that place you've been imagining to take a dream trip to lately?

    A.  The beach -- which I did this last weekend.     But, we are making more definitely plans to 'escape' to an island in late Winter . . . perhaps St. Lucia again.     We're also talking about, possibly, a New Year's Eve get-away to Las Vegas for the night - and treating some friends to the trip along with us as a surprise.

(c)      2005     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:58 PM
by Kitty :: permalink