
Unconscious Mutterings - Week 103
Sunday, January 23, 2005
This week's Unconscious Mutterings meme:
  1. Material world::  "and I'm a Material Girl"'
  2. Satin sheets::  "to lie on, satin pillows to cry on";
  3. Blizzard::  , M&Ms from Dairy Queen
  4. Real estate::  scams;
  5. Dress up::  and be quiet!'
  6. Wesley::  Snipes;
  7. Robber::   s, Cops &;
  8. Saliva::  DNA swab;
  9. Slave::   Driver; and
  10. Shift::  Perceptions.

(c)      2005     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 8:12 AM
by Kitty :: permalink