Tuesday, January 04, 2005
The first Ten On Tuesday meme for the new year:
01. Planning our Harley trip to Savannah, Georgia - and going on the trip;
02. Finding new publications to carry my column;
03. Getting my column syndicated;
04. Getting my photographs in more art shoppes and boutiques;
05. Getting my artwork in more shoppes and boutiques;
06. Getting myself more organized and focused on reaching my goals;
07. Illustrating the book my s.o. is writing, and finding a publisher or having it self-published;
08. Attending several H.O.G. rallies throughout the year in several cities/states (doing the ABCs for Hog Tales, and doing the mileage contest for our local chapter);
09. Read all of the books and see all of the movies that -- by all accounts, due to their 'classic' status or age -- I should have already read and seen; and
10. Spend more quality time with friends, make time to see them more often, and be a little more "pushy" about scheduling times to get together!
(c) 2005 A Southern Belle's Life