
Dancing Polar Bears
Thursday, December 02, 2004

This week's Thursday Threesome meme:

::Dancing Polar Bears::

Onesome: Dancing--    Dancing?     Does anyone go dancing anymore?     I mean, disco died, and the club scene?     Hmmm... Is dancing dead?     ...or are we just here on the web instead of out for the evening?

A.    Sometimes I'll go dancing, if there's great live music or a group goes out for fun.

Twosome: Polar--    Polar bears seem to do well in the snow...     How about you?     Is snow just another thing you deal with when it shows up, or is it shutdown time?     ...and if you're posting from a non-snowy locale, do you make trips to actually see snow?     It's okay to admit it...

A.    I used to wish for snow, because we would always be promised snow and it usually never materialized.     After living for three years in the Mid-Atlantic region, and experiencing 3-4 heavy snows each year, I'm glad to be back in the South where a dusting or an 1" or 2" is the most you'll generally see.     Snow means taking photographs before it gets dirty and slushy, then curling up with a good book or a good DVD, lighting a fire, snuggling under a blanket, a sipping warm cocoa.

Threesome: Bears--    Bears?     Christmas Bears?     Have you seen the number of bears on the shelf this year?     Are you getting one for anyone?     ...or are you looking forward to receiving one?     ...or do you still think that inguana in the elf outfit is more your style?

A.    I'm not into bears.     I won't be buying any for anyone else.     I'm not looking forward to receiving any, either.     I'd prefer something from my 'wish-list,' thank you very much!    :-)

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 2:36 PM
by Kitty :: permalink