
Christmas Celebration
Monday, December 27, 2004

This week's Monday Madness meme:

01)   Which holiday do you celebrate this time of year?     (If necessary, modify the following questions to suit your holiday.)    Christmas.

02)   Do you begin shopping for gifts earlier than Thanksgiving, looking for the perfect gift?     If not, when do you begin?    Whenever the shopping bug hits full force.

03)   Do you only purchase gifts that you know are perfect for the recipient and if you don't find that gift, do you just get anything?    I search for appropriate gifts suited to the recipient.

04)   Did you receive or give any "obligatory" gifts this year?    I give for the joy of giving - the only (semi-) obligatory gifts are for certain extended family members of my s.o.

05)   Do you decorate your tree as evenly as possible or do you skip the areas that are not visible?    Evenly, as evenly as possible.

06)   Do you like multi-colors on your tree or do you prefer monochrome?   Monochrome, with a theme.

07)   Did you bake "traditional" cookies, frost them and decorate them?     or did you cheat and buy the ready to bake kind? (like I tried)   My s.o. does all of the Christmas baking -- all from scratch.

08)   Are you the host of a holiday gathering?     which one?     family, work, friends    Yes, a Christmas Eve party for family.

09)   With whom do you spend the holiday?    My parents for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, my s.o.'s family on Christmas Day afternoon.     I like to get together with friends whenever I can.

10)   How did the holiday turn out?     Perfectly?     funny mishaps?     miss anyone?    I didn't get to spend time with my friend Marshall, or my friend Brian, or our friends Mark & Rachel.     It was . . . okay, otherwise.

(c)      2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 1:01 PM
by Kitty :: permalink