
Friday Five - Dreams
Friday, October 15, 2004

The answers to this week's Friday Five meme:

1.    What was the last dream that you had about?

About a relationship between one of my best friends and myself.

2.    Does it hold any significant meaning to you?

Yes.       Sometimes I tend to over-analyze certain situations and my dreams tend to put things into better perspective.

3.    Do you dream in color or black and white?

Vivid, living color!

4.    What is the most frightening dream you ever had?

I can only remember having three nightmares in my whole life, and all three involved snakes.       And, I can remember each one just as clearly today as if I just dreamed them last night.

5.    Is there one dream that stays clear in your mind despite the fact it was more than a few years ago?

Several.       Whenever I'm struggling with something, whatever it may be, my maternal grandmother visits me in my dreams as a "guide."       Afterwards, things always seem a little clearer, a little easier, or more manageable.

(c)   2004    A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 6:48 PM
by Kitty :: permalink