
All About Computers
Monday, October 18, 2004

This week's Monday Madness meme responses:

This week's questions are all about computers!

1.     I have reformatted my hard drive about ____ times.


2.     I usually reformat my hard drive about ____ times a year.


3.     When I'm working in a document, I save about every ____ minutes.

Automatically, every two minutes.

4.     I've upgraded my computer by adding ______________.

Mega-security, firewalls, anti-virus, spyware detection, PhotoShop, MS Office, cable modem, network software.

5.     I've got about ____ CD's/floppies with info on them and about ____ of them aren't labeled.

One hundred (give-or-take ... sad, isn't it?).

6.     Since I've been using my computer, I find the easiest way to organize my files is to ______________. (Looking for suggestions!!)

I haven't found an easy way (yet)!

7.     I have ____ email accounts.

Fifteen (that I can remember).

8.     Whenever I have a computer-related question, I usually call _________.

Bruce, if I can't figure it out myself.

9.     I usually use a search engine when looking for ___________.

Research material, news-related articles, or entertainment trivia.

10.     My computer is about _______ old.

Four months.

(c)     2004     A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 4:19 PM
by Kitty :: permalink