
A Pox!
Thursday, August 12, 2004

There's something to be said for being blessed-out in a foreign language!    Granted, I haven't been my usual, punctual self when it comes to my manicure / pedicure as of late because of all of the things happening around me.    In fact, in between packing and readying for the upcoming move, and the headaches and stressors associated with all of the details surrounding this upcoming move, my usual vain self has taken a holiday in lieu of trying to maintain some semblance of sanity.

But, earlier this week, I went to my regular salon for a manicure/pedicure.    I admit it . . . I was a little past my usual two-week appointment, but I still wasn't some Hagatha or some creature that had been hibernating in a cave or something.

Yet, my nail tech found it necessary to berate me unmercifully for my delay in coming in.    In fact, not only did he criticize me to my face in English, but he talked about me in a most unkind light to all of the other nail techs in the salon for the entire time he worked on my nails.    I'm not being paranoid.    Not when the other nail techs kept coming over to look at my nails after he rattled a litany of some loud (and seemingly irate) comments in Vietnamese aimed directly at my hands!

I can now say I've been cursed in Vietnamese for letting my fill-in go too long.

(c)   2004    A Southern Belle's Life

Posted at 3:05 PM
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