Saturday, May 22, 2004
I have been contemplating participating in the Sexy Saturday meme for quite some time now. But, each week, something always came up that prevented it from happening. Finally, this week, I decided that I would "jump in" and begin. Now, after reading this week's meme, I may have to reconsider that thought.
Here is this week's meme:
May 22, 2004 Sexy Saturday - Week 61 - Reasons to be unfaithful
Have you ever been sexually unfaithful to your partner or one of your partners? How often? Was it a one night stand or an affair with another one? Why did you do it, if you did? Does s/he know about it? If s/he doesn't know, do you feel bad about not being honest with him/her, and do you think you will tell him/her one day? Would you do it again? Or what would have to happen, so that you start being unfaithful to your partner? Where does being unfaithful start anyway?
Sexy Saturday is a weblog meme originally founded by LeafQueen in which a different question about sex is posted every week.
I'm sure I'll have an answer . . . later . . . a thoroughly-thought-out answer . . .
... more to come
(c) 2004 A Southern Belle's Life